"Everyone I know quit breastfeeding."

This is the number one fear we hear from mamas who are interested in breastfeeding. Maybe your friends didn't have much luck. Maybe they told you horror stories about how difficult breastfeeding was. And maybe you hit a breastfeeding hurdle last time you had a baby.

If breastfeeding is the normal expectation of the newborn, why do so many people struggle?

Here are the most common reasons a breastfeeding relationship ends early:
- Mamas experience discomfort or pain because of a poor latch, and the don't know where to go for help
- "Helpful" family members suggest feeding alternatives, or say, "I raised you on formula and you turned out just fine!"
- Mamas lack the support of their partners and family members - not because they are bad people - but because they don't know how to support breastfeeding mamas.
- They need to return to work outside of the home and aren't confident in their legal rights to pump or breastfeed, don't know how to pump effectively, or didn't find the support they needed to meet their goals.

Course Curriculum

    1. Sesame Street: Nursing Babies

    2. Teacher Intros

    3. Size of your babies belly

    4. The science behind your milk & what to expect

    1. Engorgement Happend - Tips for preventing and handling engorgement

    2. Milk Production - Ensuring you have the right amount of milk

    1. Breastcrawl

    2. First Latch & The Golden Hour

    3. Latch Issues & Proper Support

    4. How to get a good breastfeeding latch: step-by-step guide

    5. More Depth - Good Latch

    1. Cradle Hold

    2. Football Hold

    3. Crosscradle Hold

    4. Biological Hold

    5. Side Lying Hold

    1. How you can help

    1. KellyMom.com

    2. Breastfeeding Toolkit

About this course

  • $39.99
  • 19 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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About the instructor

Professional Labor Doula & Lactation Counselor Caitlin Novak

Caitlin Novak is an experienced birth worker who is proud to offer her services as part of the Springs Doula Circle. After attending a DONA International Birth Doula Training in 2009, Caitlin’s eyes were opened to the exciting world of birth and breastfeeding. Working fulltime as Doula since then, she has gained a rich understanding of birth and several certifications that qualify her as a Birth Doula (DONA), Postpartum Doula (DONA), Childbirth Educator (ICEA) and Certified Lactation Counselor (TALPP).Caitlin is comfortable working with women and families who have a variety of birth preferences and plans including hospital, birth center and home birth. Her approach is positive, flexible and family-centered to meet the unique needs of each individual client. As a Doula, she works hard to prepare families to give birth with confidence and experience an enjoyable transition into parenthood. She has specialized training to support women who desire a VBAC as well as women who are expecting multiples.In addition to offering Doula support, Caitlin is passionate about breastfeeding and offers lactation counseling services in families’ homes and at Enso Prenatal.Caitlin lives with her husband (a high school teacher), daughter (born in 2009), son (born in 2012) and energetic dog in Old Colorado City on the westside. She is a community organizer, Co-Leader of Birth Network Colorado Springs and local Improving Birth Rally Coordinator. When she’s not attending births, Caitlin volunteers with Peak Vista’s First Visitor Program and coaches middle school-aged girls in preparation for a 5k race with Girls on the Run.